Perception of timelines

 As all possible timelines and variations of oneself exist as potential futures, the only question is whether it's possible to perceive them simultaneously. With me so far? Okay.

Well, as all possible timelines exist simultaneously as potential futures (Everett's many-worlds interpretation), we can't perceive them all at once. In a sense, to see the future is impossible. There are too many possibilities and variations for a person to experience them consciously.

However, we can experience the future on some level. Our present actions and decisions influence what happens in the future.

And it's not a problem that we can't experience the future, because as all possible timelines exist simultaneously, they don't influence each other. This is why they are called 'parallel universes' - if two people make different decisions in their lives or even get into an accident where one dies and the other doesn't, these scenarios both exist alongside each other. They do not contradict.

And this is also why it's possible to know what would happen if a certain decision were made without actually experiencing the future.

So, in a sense, we do experience all possible timelines and the future. It's just that we can't consciously perceive them.


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