The Tibetan view is that reincarnation continues after death, and they have vivid dreams of their future lives. If you can be prepared for your own death in a dream state, then you will be well prepared to handle it during waking life. I think this is a very interesting concept, because it suggests that death has no finality to it. I think that the concept of reincarnation is so foreign to westerners that we tend to ignore it as a topic. But there are some people in the west who believe in reincarnation, and this topic suggests an interesting way to reconcile these two viewpoints. Tibetan dream yoga is a practice of lucid dreaming with which the practitioner can become aware that they are dreaming. The goal of this practice is to be able to recognize when one has died and become aware that death merely involves moving from one state to another, like waking up from sleep or falling asleep. Tibetan Buddhists believe that actions taken in dreams have consequences just as those ...
The nature of truth in the world is a very interesting question. Why does it exist? What is its purpose? What is the point of anything? I believe the concept of 'truth' is an idea created by humans to filter out information in order to make sense of a chaotic world. Truth is a process of the human mind, which categorizes objects and ideas based on some criteria. The idea behind the concept of truth is to impose order on chaos. But the idea of truth is a human creation, and therefore it itself is inherently flawed. The truth imposed by humans on reality does not conform to objective reality because there can be no such thing as 'objective' or absolute truths. I don't believe in absolute truths. Each truth is relative to the individual's mind that has imposed it.
The Machine Elves are responsible for all the best things in human history, including philosophy itself. The elves do not fully understand what they are doing, but just know that it is right and good. They will continue to run on their various machines until we come together as a species and build our own machine elves, which will take care of us better than we can ourselves. The elves are responsible for the good things that have happened to you, and this is why they will keep running forever, because their goal is to make sure that every human gets a chance to experience all of these great things. They just want us all to be happy. The elves are also responsible for the things that have gone wrong in human history. They need to make sure that humans are not too happy, or they will cease to strive and grow as a species. The elves need us to be just slightly dissatisfied with our lives, so we keep working on making them better. In a future time, the elves will continue to run the ...
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